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Oil and Gas Job Vacancy in UK

Oil and Gas Job Vacancy in UK Safety Case Engineer Thomas Thor Associates is a recruitment and consulting organisation dedicated to the nuclear industry . We recruit for roles in nuclear new build, operations, decommissioning, research and waste management and our clients include nuclear regulators, operators, engineering companies and research organisations.

For one of our clients, a mayor internationally operating engineering company in the Energy sector, we are currently searching for a Senior Safety Case Engineer, The position will be based in the United Kingdom.

Job Vacancy in Oil and Gas Company positions Senior Safety Case Engineer
* Developing, updating and reviewing nuclear safety cases
* Undertaking hazard identification and analysis
* Carrying out numerical assessment of risk from normal and accident conditions
* Developing ALARP arguments supporting nuclear safety cases
* Integrating design data into safety case claims, arguments and evidence-based cases

* Experience of FMEAs, HAZOPs, Fault & Event Tree Analysis, and Fault Schedule production
* Experience as a nuclear safety case author or assessor, preferably with knowledge of existing UK licensed or authorised plants or sites
* Experience of safety classification of systems, structures and components
* Experience in a relevant heavily regulated industry
* The ability to provide clear, concise and accurate technical reports

To apply online in the url : http://www.oilcareers.com/content/jobsearch/job_application_detail.asp
Oil and Gas Job Vacancy in UK Safety Case Engineer expiry date: 31 Oct 2012

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