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JOBS VACANCY PT. ACE INA Insurance (ACE Insurance)

JOBS VACANCY Finance Staff PT. ACE Insurance

Operating in Indonesia since 1969, ACE Insurance in Indonesia is a member of the ACE Group of Companies®, a global leader in insurance and reinsurance with offices in more than 50 countries worldwide. In Indonesia, ACE has carved a niche for itself as one of the leading direct marketing providers of Accident & Health insurance. It often partners with financial institutions and other companies to tailor individual protection policies for their clients and employees. Over the years, the company has established strong client relationships by offering responsive service, developing innovative products and providing market leadership built on financial strength. Additional information about the company can be found at www.aceinsurance.co.id.



Male, 25-30 years old
Bachelor degree in Accounting
Min 1 years of experience in same position
Experienced in finance statement and analysis, good knowledge in standard accounting principles and tax regulation
Computer Literate min MS Office
Able to written and spoken English
Communicative & innovative
Strong interpersonal skills and able to work independently
Ability to interact with all levels of people with leadership qualities

Send your resume to: HR.ID@acegroup.com
Please put: FS – your name, on the e-mail subject.
i.e.: FS - Xxx
(Only short listed candidates will be notified)

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